For my brother I searched a mechanical keyboard.
After some discussions, we agreed, that a TKL would be a good layout fit for him.
Because he is mechanical keyboard virgin, I wanted to start slow with him.
After some search in the community, there was an offer for a Ducky TKL in good shape – so I went on and bought it for him.
Ready – GO! small fun project with a stock keyboard.
The plan was just to tune it and exchange the stock cherry mx red with some JWK blacks.
What I did:
- opening the board
- desoldered the stock switches
- fun part: I broke two sockets during that process which I found out later
- lubed the stock stabs (wanted to change the stock stabs but they were pretty good with lube)
- added and soldered new switches – I used JWK blacks in stock – they come in oiled which was OK (would change the springs in the future!)
- tested the PCB
- needed to change one switch (was broken?!)
- needed to bridge two sockets which I broke during desoldering
- added the tape mod
- added polyfill in the case
- put everything back together
- tested again
- packaged to box and shipped it to my brother 😉
Quick & Fun one